Hidden objects game (with answers)

hidden objects search

You must find the hidden objects in the following images that appear below.

What is a hidden object game?

These kinds of games are very simple. Hidden object games consist of search and find in the image different objects that you have been indicated. There are many types and you can find them in many pages to play online or in the app stores of your phone or tablet.

Let’s play!

You will find the answer at the end of the post.

In the first image you have to search and find:

  • An umbrella
  • A spider
  • A rat
  • A teddy
hidden objects search

In the second image you have to find the following hidden objects:

  • A key
  • A candelabra
  • An alarm clock
  • A shotgun
hidden objects search find

Find these objects:

  • Binoculars
  • A peanut
  • A lipstick
  • A pen
hidden objects search

In the last image the hidden objects are:

  • A clock
  • An aubergine
  • A crow
  • A shoe
hidden objects search

Did you manage to find them all? I’m sure you did!


The illustrations we used and we have been modified have been obtained from Pixabay.

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